Figuring out if there are pests in your home can seem impossible sometimes. Are you worried that bed bugs might be hiding between or under your hardwood floors but can't seem to find them? We have done the necessary research to find you the answer.
Bed bugs can hide in between or under your hardwood floors if they find an opening. If you have hardwood floors under your bed, this can become a nesting and hiding place for bed bugs if left untreated. Luckily, fixing this is usually as easy as using wood putty/filler or making an appointment with a pest control specialist.
As we begin, we will cover all things bed bugs and discuss the different ways to get rid of them. Whether you have dealt with bed bugs before or can't tell if they are in your house, we've got you covered. With that said, let's dive right into this topic.
Do Bed Bugs Burrow Into Wood?
It is not possible for bed bugs to burrow into wood. Bed bugs cannot penetrate wood, especially hardwood flooring, so they can only make their way in if an existing crack or hole exists.
For example, if the wood floors in your bedroom are lifting or cracked near your bed and bed bugs see an opportunity for shelter, they will take it. That said, these pesky critters will always choose a warm bed over wood flooring, so we recommend checking your mattress as well.
Where Do Bed Bugs Hide In Wood?
According to Terminix, bed bugs tend to hide in cracks, corners, and other small spaces on wood floors. The same goes for wood furniture and decor, so, unfortunately, nowhere in your home is completely safe from bed bugs.
On the other hand, as long as your floors and furniture aren't damaged or easily accessible to pests, it is unlikely they will make these places their new homes.
How Do You Protect Wood Floors From Bed Bugs?
Protection-wise, your best bet is cleaning your wood floors regularly and filling any openings you see with a wood-safe putty/filler. Making your flooring less accessible to bed bugs will deter them from sticking around, so make sure to keep your wood floors completely sealed.
This wood filler has a water-based formula, repairs wood flooring, is paintable, and comes in various color/size options.
Follow this link to see it on Amazon here.
Another way to keep your wood floors bed bug-free is to spray a pesticide around any openings on your flooring to kill existing infestations and prevent future ones from happening.
This pesticide promises to kill bed bugs and their eggs, is EPA registered, continues to kill for 16 weeks after initial application, and has an odorless, non-staining formula.
Do Bed Bugs Crawl On Floors?
In general, bed bugs can easily crawl around your flooring. That said, if your floor has grooves and an uneven texture, this can make it harder for bed bugs to get around, but it won't usually stop them.
Bed bugs can't fly or jump, so they aren't able to reach areas of your home that they can't crawl to. Bed bugs are also photophobic, meaning that they don't like to be in direct light, so it isn't common for them to crawl around your floors during the day.
Are Bed Bugs Hard To Get Rid Of?
When it comes to a bed bug infestation, it can be difficult to get rid of them completely. With that said, solving your bed bug problem is not impossible, so don't throw away all of your bedding just yet.
The best way to kill bed bugs is by using high heat where they live, especially hot steam. Bed bugs and their eggs will die at 122 degrees Fahrenheit, so using steam is a fast way to make sure your bed is back to being your favorite place.
View this steamer on Amazon here.
What Is The Most Effective Bed Bug Killer?
Although steam is a good way to handle bed bugs yourself, calling a professional is the most efficient and productive way to handle an infestation. According to the Orkin website, one female bed bug can attract 300 new adult bed bugs into your home and produce up to 1,000 new eggs in just three months, so time is of the essence.
Luckily, companies like Orkin offer effective bed bug treatments and promise to get rid of pests for good within a few trips to your home, so that might be worth looking into.
How To Identify Bed Bugs
Here is a tutorial on identifying bed bugs in your home from Orkin's official ">YouTube channel. This video also covers what common signs of bed bugs will look like and gives helpful insight into checking your bedroom for a potential infestation.
What Causes A Bed Bug Infestation?
Most times, travel and second-hand purchases are to blame for a bed bug infestation in your home. Any time you come in contact with an unknown bed or fabric surface, you risk bringing bed bugs back home with you, which is understandably horrifying.
That said, bed bugs can also travel between apartment units and through hotels, so they are hard to avoid a lot of the time. A good routine to develop when traveling and second-hand shopping is to inspect any fabric surfaces before you use them and always wash clothing in hot water before wearing them.
How Fast Do Bed Bugs Spread?
When it comes to how fast bed bugs spread, this is somewhat gradual but can become a major issue if left untreated. Typically, a female bed bug can lay between one and 12 eggs per day and between 200 and 500 during her lifetime.
Bed bugs only live for around four to six months, so 200 to 5oo new eggs per female bed bug can become a major problem. That said, female bed bugs need males to reproduce, so if there aren't enough to go around, you may not see such high numbers of new eggs.
Do Bed Bugs Bite?
Although bed bugs are small, they can pack quite the bite if enough of them get to you. Generally, a bed bug bite will cause an itchy welt on your skin and will have a zig-zag pattern.
Bed bugs tend to prey on humans while we sleep and usually bite exposed skin, like your neck, arms, and shoulders. A good way to avoid this is to regularly check your bedding for signs of an infestation using a UV light or flashlight and spraying under your mattress with a non-toxic bed bug killer.
This UV blacklight detects insects like bed bugs, has 68 LED lights and operates on AA batteries.
Check this light out on Amazon here.
Are Bed Bugs Dangerous?
Danger-wise, we would not say bed bugs are considered a dangerous pest. According to the CDC, although bed bugs aren't technically dangerous, they can cause you to have a severe allergic reaction, depending on how many bites you have.
Adding on to that, they also mention that scratching bug bites can lead to a secondary skin infection, so it's best to avoid itching your bite. For those with bed bug bites, we recommend using a topical anti-inflammatory ointment or cream on your skin to soothe it and prevent further damage.
To Wrap Things Up
Whether you keep waking up to new bites or have noticed bed bugs crawling on your hardwood floors, keeping your home pest-free is essential. From what we found, bed bugs can hide in between and under your wood flooring if they find an opening.
To prevent this, we recommend giving your floors a deep clean and using a wood filler to eliminate access spots for a potential infestation. Another good way to get rid of bed bugs is to use hot steam or call a professional to treat your home, so don't hesitate to schedule a consultation.
Regardless of your floors, always check under your mattress, and don't forget to wash any second-hand clothing you buy in hot water before you wear it.
Need to get rid of other types of bugs? Check out these helpful posts below!
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