Should You Store Firewood In Your Garage?

When you are storing firewood, you want to keep it dry and protected from the elements. As a result, many people store their firewood in a woodshed or a garage. Is storing the firewood in your garage really the ideal place for it? We have looked into it, and the answer isn't as straightforward as you may think.

The answer to this question is largely based on personal preference. Some say that the garage is the best place to store dry, seasoned wood because the wood is protected from the elements, and you can gather it with ease. However, others say the garage is a terrible, unsafe place to put the wood because it can pose a fire hazard and welcome pests into your home. Depending on your preference, use these tips to store firewood in the garage safely:

  • Store only seasoned firewood in the garage, do not store wet wood indoors.
  • Stack firewood a few inches from the wall, no higher than four-foot, and preferably propped off the floor.
  • Store or stack firewood away from any heat sources, power sources, and exhaust pipes/vents.
  • Ensure your garage doors and windows are secure.

So, whether or not wood should be stored in the garage depends on your preference and the quality of your wood. To find out what factors go into making this decision, continue reading. We will discuss the advantages and disadvantages of garage storage, as well as how and where to store your wood.

A pile of firewood and other household stuff in a garage, Should You Store Firewood In Your Garage?

Advantages Of Storing Wood In A Garage

Some people say that a garage is an ideal place for storing seasoned wood. This is because garages tend to be drier and protected from the weather. It also allows you to easily access the wood without going outside during colder months. A garage will protect firewood from snow, rain, and wind. As a result, it will stay dry and usable for a long time. It will also be cleaner because it isn't outside gathering dirt and debris.

If you have an attached garage, you will have the luxury of heading out to the garage and grabbing wood. If it was stored in a shed outside, you would have to bundle up just to grab wood to heat your home.

Disadvantages of Storing Wood In A Garage

When you store wood in your garage, it could potentially be a fire hazard and take up what little space is in your garage for storage. In addition to that, wood often has many bugs and pests living inside that will migrate into your warm home during cold weather.

One of the biggest disadvantages of storing wood in a garage is that it can start a fire. If you have a furnace or garage heater, you may want to rethink putting the wood in the garage. If you do store it there, you will want to make sure it is far away from any heat source.

Insects love to live in wood, and during the winter, some of them go into the wood, where they sit dormant to wait for spring. When they are brought into your warm garage, they can come out of their dormant state and come into your house. Other animals, such as mice, chipmunks, and rats, like to create homes in woodpiles. By storing the wood in your garage, you could potentially be creating a home for these pests, too. Then, they could come into your house to keep warm.

How To Store Firewood In The Garage

Wood that is seasoned can be stored safely in the garage. Seasoning is the process of letting the wood dry out. It can take six months to two years to be done properly. It is left out to dry until it is between 15% to 20% moisture. This will allow it to burn efficiently.

Make sure that your garage is properly insulated and has a secure door. If it's not, your wood could get damaged. Do not bring wet or unseasoned wood into your garage. It will not dry well and can cause your wood to become moldy.

Before you bring the wood into your garage, you will want to inspect it for bugs and pests. Look for holes or signs of rotting. Be aware that insects can go inside of wood and be dormant, only to come out when they are warmed. If you decide to spray pesticides on the wood, make sure it is safe to burn. Some pesticides create dangerous chemicals when burned. For this reason, it is advised not to use pesticides on your firewood.

Stack the wood a few inches from an empty wall, no more than four feet high. Keep the rows close together to prevent anyone from climbing the wood.

One last word of advice—make sure the wood isn't near any heat sources. This includes furnaces, power tools,  heaters, and car exhaust pipes.

Can You Stack Firewood In The Garage?

Firewood in the living room

There are a couple of problems with stacking firewood in the garage. First, the airflow in a garage isn't very good. As a result, wet wood will take longer to dry in a garage. This will leave it vulnerable to mold growth and decay. However, if your wood is completely dry, you could stack it in your garage.

The second problem with storing your firewood in the garage is that the wood can allow pests to get inside your home. To avoid an infestation, it is recommended to store the wood at least 20 to 30 feet from your house's exterior to avoid this problem.

Will Firewood Dry In The Garage?

Firewood needs airflow, sun exposure, weather protection, low humidity, and elevation to dry properly. In a garage, the wood will not have proper airflow or sunshine. In addition to that problem, garages can be more humid than outside. As a result, it will be unable to dry.

If you want to dry your wood in the garage, avoid stacking wet wood. You can check to make sure your garage doesn't have high humidity and place the wood near a window to allow sunlight to shine on it. Directing a fan onto it and keeping it off the ground can increase airflow.

However, to dry the wood, it is best not to put wet wood in a garage. You will want to store wet wood in an open shed or an outside area with a metal roof.

Should You Cover Firewood With A Tarp?

Log pile in the woods covered with blue tarp

Tarps are a great way to protect the wood from the elements. However, tarps don't let moisture escape. As a result, if a stack of wood isn't covered properly, it can become moldy. Make sure you store it off the ground. Keeping it off the ground helps increase airflow and prevent rotting. A concrete pad is ideal because it keeps the wood off the ground.

When covering the stack with a tarp, try only to cover the top of the wood. It is best if you can find a way to secure the tarp above the wood, so it's not sitting directly on it. This will allow the wood to breathe.

As you cover with the tarp, don't cover the sides. Leaving at least one side open to the elements will help allow airflow and prevent the wood from becoming damp. Damp wood will attract pests and insects, so it is important your wood doesn't get wet.

Does Firewood Ever Go Bad?

Firewood can last a long time in the right conditions. If it is kept moisture-free and properly stored, seasoned wood will be good for years. That being said, it can go bad.

Firewood that becomes moldy and starts rotting is obviously bad. You can still use it if you take it and let the moisture dry out. Wood that is seasoned properly won't have this problem.

Other Good Places To Store Wood

Large log store filled with firewood, timber construction with a slate roof

If after reading this article, you aren't sure garage storage is the best place for you, there are other places to store wood. You could build a woodshed, a firewood storage box, or simply put down a concrete slab and a metal roof.


Wood sheds, or firewood storage sheds, are the most common places to store wood. An ideal woodshed has slatted sides, an elevated floor, and a steel roof to allow airflow while restricting the amount of weather exposure.

Click here to see Bosmere slatted shed on Amazon.

Storage Boxes

Firewood storage boxes are storage containers that you put your wood in near your house. It makes it really simple to access your wood. Make sure you only store dry wood in the box.

Click here to see Woodhaven 5' storage rack on Amazon.

Concrete Slab & Roof

Another alternative place to store wood is to find a sunny spot in your yard and put down a concrete slab with a metal roof over it. The roof protects the wood while the open sides allow the air to flow. As a result, your wood will stay good for many years.

Final Thoughts

Storing firewood in your garage has a lot of benefits, as well as a lot of disadvantages. Now you know all the information you need to be able to make an informed decision about where to store your wood. Wherever you decide to store it, make sure it is protected from the weather, has good airflow, is elevated, has sun exposure, and isn't somewhere extremely humid. By ensuring these things, your firewood will be ready to burn for years to come.

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