Wood staircase inside contemporary white modern house, How Much Space Does A Staircase Take?

How Much Space Does A Staircase Take?

If you’re building a multi-story home, you’ll need a staircase. However, stairs can take up a lot of space and eat into your useable square footage. So, one thing you might be wondering is just how much space a staircase…

Applying yellow polyurethane coating on the flooring, How To Apply Water-Based Polyurethane

How To Apply Water-Based Polyurethane

Without a finish, wood doesn’t have protection from the elements. So, it becomes easy for it to look lifeless over time. For this reason, people coat wood with polyurethane. There are two types: water-based and oil-based. If you’re wondering how…

Modern glazed door - 4 Ways To Cover Glass Doors For Privacy

4 Ways To Cover Glass Doors For Privacy

Glass doors are an attractive feature in a home. Glass lets light stream through and typically creates a sense of openness in a space. However, you may wonder if there are any practical, stylish ways to cover glass doors for…

A man foams up the gaps between the door and the wall with polyurethane foam, 4 Types Of Polyurethane Foam

4 Types Of Polyurethane Foam

Are you getting ready to start an insulation project? If so, you are probably considering using polyurethane foam. However, you may not realize that there are different types, and the variant you need will depend on your particular project. There…

A man installing asphalt roof, How Far Apart Should Roofing Nails Be?

How Far Apart Should Roofing Nails Be?

Roofing is a specialized skill that must meet specific building codes. One question that you might have about putting on a new roof is the spacing of the nails. How far apart should rooting nails be placed? We have researched…

Removing lint from the dryer vent, How To Insulate The Dryer Vent

How To Insulate The Dryer Vent

An uninsulated dryer vent and vent pipe will attract condensation which leads to mold and other moisture issues. Knowing this, you are likely wondering how to insulate the dryer vent. Well, in this post we combine industry professional knowledge and…

Door man installing a brass door, How To Remove A Doorknob From The Outside

How To Remove A Doorknob From The Outside

Like other things in our homes, doorknobs may also need a minor upgrade or replacement. Removing a doorknob may appear to be a complicated process, but with the appropriate instructions, it is possible. Here’s what we’ve found out. To begin…

A modern brown oak wooden stairs and doors in new renovated house, What Color Floor Goes With Oak Doors?

What Color Floor Goes With Oak Doors?

While interior doors may seem like only a small detail, they can make quite a statement in your home. Oak is a strong and dense wood that is great for blocking out noise, but it is also a beautiful material…